JanSan Garbage | Roberts Plastics

Our Story

A small Canadian business with big capabilities

Roberts Plastics is a Poly Bag manufacturing company that provides top quality Poly Bags to JanSan, Industrial and food markets. Our goal is to provide flexible customer service with a top-quality Poly Bag.

Founded in 1977 Roberts Plastics is a third-generation family owned and operated company. We have come a long way over our 40+ years; starting out with just one machine and servicing GTA we have grown and have now spread to serve across Canada.

We focus on working together with our customers to meet their business’ needs. This has allowed us to build strong relationships with our customers many who have been with us over 20 years.

EH Logo | Roberts Plastics

Canadian Owned & Operated

Family Owned Business | Roberts Plastics

3rd Generation Family-Owned

40 Years Anniversary | Roberts Plastics

In Business for over 40 Years

5 Star Rating | Roberts Plastics

Customer focused

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